Electronic ballot for voting with raspberry pi model 3

Angie Méndez Lopez1, Santiago Amezquita Ayure3, German Castro Sanchez4

One of problems at a social and political level in Colombia is the electoral fraud, which means that when Colombians go to get the polls, there are different situations where there is a bad counting vote, purchase of votes and above all the fraud in the part of the candidates.
This project want to implement a software where the citizen with this number of identification card can vote for that software generate the percentages of all candidates and not present fraud to the hour of vote count.
This evidence that the technology this used in many places when the society need.
Keywords-, Colombia, Democracy, Citizens, Politic.


In recent decades Colombia has been a victim of fraud in the elections, this is because the Government has not used the means to eradicate this problem and to bring legislation in the right direction.
This type of problem not only generates problems in the present but in the future because the citizenship is not clear how is the counting of votes in the elections is carried out and if the people in charge of it are totally sincere. In cities like Bogota, the MOE (Observer Electoral Mission) presented a report in 2015, I observed how the fraud was generated in the localities.
The aim of this project is to ensure a simple, efficient, safe and accessible voting method for voters, which seeks to simplify the management of the process with respect to traditional methods to improve the reliability of results, greatly reducing electoral fraud and achieving a Complete efficiency with respect to the act of voting.


As citizens, we have shown that in the city of Bogotá and in other cities of Colombia, electoral fraud is generated and one of the causes is the poor counting of votes by the persons in charge of this. This is generated because the votes counters are often extorted not by the candidates but by their workers. If the electoral fraud is repeated then the Colombian people will not be able to have a good administration and this will cause serious problems in social level as: Disinterest, lack of sense of belonging, loss of culture.
One of the possible solutions that has created to avoid fraud are electronic ballot or better known as electronic voting "United States of technologies such as punch cards, ballot papers and first generation electronic voting systems to electronic voting systems (DRE). "(Jeremy, 2007). This shows that major powers such as the United States have implemented this software to avoid electoral fraud.
This project looks for a possible solution to help reduce electoral fraud that causes the counting of votes through a program with a graphical interface to make it more comfortable for the citizen to vote.



The electronic voting system aims to facilitate the voter's exercise of the vote, eliminating the initial barriers that some voters may have in the face of new technologies.
It is an electronic ballot box equipped with a touch screen with which the voter visualizes and chooses his voting options. The selection menus that appear may be reproductions of traditional ballot papers.
Once the selection of candidates by the voter is completed and validated, the ballot box formalizes the electronic vote in memory for totalization and transmission at the close of the electoral process.
In addition, the system guarantees a simple method of voting, efficient, safe and accessible to all voters.


The main advantages offered by such a system are:
* Invites the electorate to the technological advances already present in other daily activities.
* Eliminates the cost associated with the printing of traditional ballots.
* Simplifies process management with respect to traditional methods.
* Reduce implementation logistics present in traditional processes.
* Improves reliability of results, minimizing errors.
* Decrease counting time at the polling station, as it performs an automatic elaboration of the counting minutes.
* Implements the use of ICTs.


I like show this part of a really great work “Many people view electronic voting as a solution to traditional paper-based voting problems, such as those in the 2000 US presidential election. But, even though DRE voting systems have some usability advantages over traditional systems, they raise serious security concerns. As we’ve shown with our “toy” system, it’s easy to compromise a purely electronic voting system and difficult for auditors to identify and correct hacks that might otherwise completely compromise election results.” Take to Hack-a-Vote: Security Issues with Electronic Voting Systems
And continue with a possible disadvantage:
• There will be a possibility that the system will be violated by some people for purposes that are not legal and correct for the system.
• If there is electoral fraud due to someone who changed the data, nobody will know. Then the people will have a ruler who did not really win, but imposed it.
• There must be a highly-qualified computer security personnel. To achieve one of the main objectives, which is to maintain a high safety index.
• Possible failures that the urn presents outside the dependence of this one.


To develop our software of the electronic ballot we decided to use the programming language python with its complements for a database that would be Sqlite and Tkinter to be able to develop the graphic interfaces.
Python is an interpreted programming language whose philosophy emphasizes a syntax that favors a readable code. It is a multiparadigm programming language, since it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, functional programming.


We decided to use these devices to have quality hardware and performance when people use the urn, we decided to use the raspberry pi model 3
The raspberry pi is a very small single plate computer developed by the raspberry pi foundation and created with the aim of stimulating teaching in computer science.
Its software is open source, but it has its official operating system called Raspbian, a modified version of Linux to be used in raspberry, not only Linux has an official version for raspberry also Microsoft and other companies.
There are 4 different models of raspberry, but the one we will use in the project is the Raspberry pi 3 model B which has:
-Broad Broadcom BCM2387 processor. A 1.2 GHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 (Architecture Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
- 1GB of LPDDR2 RAM, Enhanced Port
- Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n (integrated)
- Bluetooth 4.1 (integrated)
- HDMI output
-3.5 3.5mm audio jack
-4 USB 2.0 ports
-GP GPIO connector (General Purpouse Input / Output)
-Micro MicroSD slot.

- How will it be used?

The raspberry will be the nucleus of the urn, this will have the information, the programs, the drivers for the different accessories and most importantly a processor that can execute all those functions.

Our urn tries to push the vote in the country because in Colombia our country people do not like to go to vote possibly with these urns people take more initiative and go to vote, tried to create an interactive and comfortable interface for the citizen
“It is needless to mention that the concept of electronic voting systems is not a novel theory. The endeavor taken up under the limited scope of this research aims to demonstrate an implementation for fault free voting and dictate a much larger scale of the voting frontier. Thus, the machine still has certain limitations that may need to be overcome to allow it to reach the level it is aimed” take to Development of a Credible and Integrated Electronic
Voting Machine Based on Contactless IC Cards, Biometric Fingerprint Credentials and POS Printer.

General Propose

- Create an electronic voting system through Python, with storage through Sqlite, based on developing free software, which allows to eliminate the current voting system based on paper; Taking as reference methods developed in other countries.

Specific proposes

-Investigate the problems in Colombia related to manual voting.
-Program the Raspberry by making a suitable interface for all people, so that the vote is generated through the digital system.
-Perform a simulation with a database containing numbers of ballots and an interface to verify the operation of the electronic ballot box.
We try to encourage the use of electronic voting through our ballot box since we developed a comfortable and safe interface for the citizen, in almost that this is not so would be a total failure for us

As we know privacy is very important when it comes to voting I would like to leave a fragment of an electronic voting guide developed by experts:
“Secrecy and anonymity. It should be infeasible for an election official to figure out how any individual voted in addition to preclude vote buying it should be close to impossible for voter prove to anyt bird party how they voted”


1. The voter identifies himself to the table authorities.
2. The voting authority checks that the voter is registered in the voter register.
3. The table authority ale on the voter card to the voter.
4. Those in charge of machine will offer assistance to the voter if they so request.
5. Voting process. 6. The voter returns the voter card used before leaving the place


Requirements for the use of the electronic ballot box;
Be over 18 years of Age and possess a valid identity document.
➢ Not violate the urn screen
➢ Possess minimum knowledge of the urn
➢ Possess a Colombian ID
➢ Enter correct number ID
➢ Tell in case the urn not receive your ID
➢ In case the urn turn off plea tell a assistant of table
➢ If you look a rare device please tell immediately.
➢ Before voting please get insurance

Choose your vote well

Before you cast your vote the most important thing is that you are well informed, that you know the specific ways of doing it, the detailed proposals of each candidate and that you have a clear picture of the various electoral initiatives according to your state. Then you have to decide!
Voting is a right that should be exercised in the collective good and then in the staff, you can not think of your needs ignoring the interests of the less-favored populations. It is not your interests that should determine your electoral preferences but the social good (which includes you), that your vote allows freedom, the integral well-being to grow and the truth shine on anything.
There is nothing more dangerous than voting without being informed, is the first requirement to exercise your right consciously, in the end it is a responsibility of all citizens that will define the course of the nation.
The ballot will include elective positions, including those of the Presidency, the Senate and the United States House of Representatives, as well as State Representatives and Senators, depending on the community.
Eye with the electoral initiatives! Jaime Regalado, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at California State University, comments: "They are very confusing and very difficult as they are written by lawyers and have a technical language with titles that often have little to do with what they are trying to achieve ", Explain them, especially those that have to do with higher taxes and reforms to the government.
The danger is that when an initiative is not understood by the voter, the voter tends not to vote or leave it blank.
There are different sources of analysis of the proposals that are at hand for voters:
1. Recommendations made by the party with which he sympathizes.
2. Analyzes made by non-partisan and independent organizations such as the California Budget Project have analyzed some proposals with the intention of serving as translators for the electorate in matters as complex as the increase of taxes.
3. Specialists in government issues. It takes them many hours to study the proposals for analysis and present them more digested through various means of communication.
4. Relatives or friends who know about these subjects, who have studied, economics, political science or laws.
5. Public hearings in your neighborhoods and other sites.
6. Non-partisan and nonprofit foundations such as the California Voter Organization, they created "the song of the proposition" that explains in a simple and entertaining way, in almost a line, each one of the electoral proposals.
It is important to note that voter identification requirements also vary by state, so check them before you go to the polls on November 6, 2012 or before you register to vote for the first time.
Read the instructions carefully to avoid any mistake that causes your ballot to not be counted or counted wrongly.


Colombia must eliminate the old voting process, because with this old method losses are generated in a matter of time, economy, credibility and being manual generates waste of paper, being a method that is not friendly to the environment and is not reliable.
The country needs the inclusion of new technology for electoral votes, referring to the Electronic Ballot Box to guarantee efficiency in talking about voting processes, in turn achieving reliability in the results and the reduction of electoral fraud.
It replaces the current system, based on developing free software, taking as a reference methods developed in other countries and emphasizing the importance and necessity of this problem.
If Colombia decides to adopt the use of electronic voting would be a great favor to boost the use of tics, electronic voting brings us more benefits than disadvantages.


We want to thank all the people who have supported us, especially those who have been with us in this new stage that we started, we also thank Engineer Luis Felipe Herrera for his dedication and time to work to resolve our doubts

[1] Syed Mahmud Hasan, Md. Tahmid Rashid, Md. Shadman Sakib Chowdhury and Dr. Md. Khalilur Rhaman School of Engineering and Computer Science” Development of a Credible and Integrated Electronic Voting Machine Based on Contactless IC Cards, Biometric Fingerprint Credentials and POS Printer” Bangladesh 2016.
[2] JONATHAN BANNET, DAVID W. PRICE, ALGIS RUDYS, JUSTIN SINGER, AND DAN S. WALLACH Rice University “Hack-a-Vote: Security Issues with Electronic Voting Systems” United States
[3] Jeremy Epstein Cyber Defense Agency “Electronic
Voting” august 2007
